peach colored rose

3 min readSep 14, 2022


Flowers & Nature Background Wallpapers on Desktop Nexus

she moved within the shadowed room quietly approaching him, surprised, yet not, that he had come… the exotic peach colored rose with its exotic red edging held lightly between her fingers… neither spoke, as if to perhaps savor a moment that was about to happen, if indeed it did at all … yearnings for him had continued to flare and spread, the feelings blossoming into something which she would no longer deny in spite of the type of man that he was… ruthless when he needed to be… cold at times in protecting an image that over the years he had carefully constructed around himself in order to hide his true identity

this would be no different, she felt, or would it? tenderness in his touch maybe while his fingers moved over her skin? their eyes met… emerald green eyes locking with baby blues… she drew in a sharp breath at the intensity of his look, her own perhaps a reflection of his … her lips parted slightly while she remained motionless before him… and she raised her hand that held the rose, brushing its soft petals along the side of his face gently… his own hand raised and reached out to her, lightly brushing her hair back and away from her face, locking his eyes with her own

her heart beat wildly in her chest, her breathing becoming slightly more exaggerated at the proximity of their bodies… she could feel his heat pouring from him yet she made no move other than to run the gentle petals of the delicate flower along his jaw line, refraining from straying over his lips … the love she felt for him perhaps seen in her gaze while they continued to look into each others eyes, or maybe he felt it emitting from her… she wanted to reach out and touch him, memories of having done so in the past surfacing and showing her that he would only pull away or tense

she would allow him to make the first move, knowing that he knew how she felt… she’d expressed it time and time again… if not vocally then most definitely with her body language… offering herself to him in only the way a woman could … wondering if he’ll do more than caress her cheek with the back of his hand, still looking into her eyes, his own unreadable yet tinged with something that she can’t quite identify… perhaps her own feelings for him reflected in his look?

as much as she wanted it to be, she knew that it was not… caution… disbelief perhaps, but not the same as what she felt… mayhaps fear, too… mingled with other emotions that he was hiding so well from her … in time perhaps it would be, but for now there was this moment that seemed to stretch forever… and then he moved, his arms moving to her shoulders, pulling her close to his chest while they circled around her, only to bend her slightly and pick her up

he turned to the bed, laying her down gently, taking the rose from her hand and caress its soft petals over her face… her neck… her arms… her legs and back up to her face… lightly he brushed the flower over her lips, placing a hand on one side of her head while he leaned down, the rose resting on the corner of her mouth … gazing into her eyes he wet his lips with his tongue, and gingerly, tentatively he leaned forward and kissed her… the kiss was gentle… sweet… tempered with a tenderness that he’d shown her once before

but this was different, in a way… more feeling was behind the way his lips moved over hers… and the way his hand moved from the side of her head to her arm, pulling on it slightly and then raising it to place it around his neck … she moaned softly and opened herself totally to him… exposing to him all that she’d been trying to hide from him when she knew that all along he had been aware… and as the kiss grew more heated, the rose fell from his fingers and rolled away from them… the brief quiet that ensued became broken with sounds of gentle breathing and soft whispers… the joining together had begun…

